Surpass Assessment announces the launch of Surpass Tutor, an enterprise-grade AI learning platform that transforms assessment questions into personalised learning experiences.
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine has chosen Surpass Assessment to help develop and deliver its high-stakes exams for medical professionals from 2026.
Leading financial services professional body and awarding organization, The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) has chosen Surpass Assessment to help develop and deliver its on-demand testing program from June 2025.
The Institutes, a leading educational group specializing in risk management and insurance programs, have selected Surpass to support item authoring, item banking, test delivery, and the reporting of computer-based tests.
This case study shows how Surpass Assessment’s innovative solutions have supported NCFE’s commitment to promoting and advancing learning through high quality vocational and technical qualifications.
The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) has won the 2024 Surpass Innovation Award, for the project Real-world accountancy exams: Using BYOD with secure Word and Excel simulations.
This case study explores how the Charted Professional Accountants of Canada and its provincial partners (collectively ‘CPA Canada’) operates, some of the challenges it faces and how Surpass flexibility and security enables it to provide large single-day testing events across Canada.
This case study explores how PAEA selected Surpass Assessment to deliver assessments for their physician assistant candidates with a new Assessment Center designed to enhance the exam experience for students and faculty.
With the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) In this case study, we will explore how The American Academy of Neurology was able to overcome challenges proposed by the COVID-19 pandemic using technology and how Surpass enabled them to transfer their exams from paper-based to computer-based. Download a PDF of this…