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Surpass Community Webinars

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Webinars are a great way to connect with the community and answer your questions live on air. We regularly host Surpass Community webinars to bring you information on new features coming to Surpass, insights into the work of the Surpass Community, and much more. If you couldn’t watch live, or just want to catch up with a past webinar, you can watch on-demand here.

Surpass 12.22 Pre-Release Webinar

By Pre-Release Webinar

Join Ashleigh and Ruth from the Product Communication and Training Team as they take you through some of the latest updates coming to Surpass in Summer 2020. This is a recording of the original stream from 26th May 2020. Highlights of the webinar include updates to tags, accessibility, and item…

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Surpass 12.20 Pre-Release Webinar

By Pre-Release Webinar

Join Georgie and Holly from the Product Communications and Training Team as they guide you through workflow enhancing updates coming soon to Surpass. The pair will also be talking about recent performance developments that are sure to excite your test authors, bringing usability enhancements and workflow efficiency gains. This Webinar…

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