This year’s virtual ATP Global Conference incorporates ATP’s Innovations in Testing Europe, Asia, India and the Middle East/Northern Africa conferences, for a one-of-a-kind global perspective on assessment.
From 14-18 September, there will be a packed program from industry thought-leaders with a variety of session formats.
As platinum sponsors of the event, we are delighted to be delivering several presentations and product demonstrations covering a range of timely topics and cutting-edge functionality.
Over the next few weeks we’ll be giving a preview of the topics we’ll be discussing at the event. Read on to find out what just one of our sessions will be about.
Snapshot session
Assessing the ‘delivery divide’. How can we ensure comparability in this time of transitioning from center-delivered to online proctored tests?
In this presentation, the Surpass team will be joined by Surpass Community partners Dainis & Co to explore the importance of demonstrating equivalence when transitioning a test from center-based delivery, to online proctored delivery in a test taker’s own home.
As many organizations undergo a forced change to assessment delivery due to COVID-19, this session will draw upon experience from expert psychometricians to discuss how to gather evidence to demonstrate to key stakeholders that center-delivered tests are equivalent to their remotely delivered counterparts.
The panel will look at why this is so important right now, but also how this catalyst for change brings the reality of easy global testing one step closer; and how psychometricians can help you analyze test data and present it in a digestible format to promote reassurance amongst your key stakeholders, keeping your tests reliable, valid, and legally defensible.
You can read more about this session, and the rest of the conference program, on the ATP Global Conference website.