Michigan Language Assessment goes digital with Surpass Blog Post

[…] announce that Michigan Language Assessment has selected Surpass to transition its English language assessments to on-screen delivery, with a view to also introducing new digital exams in the future. For more than seventy years, universities, education departments, businesses, and government agencies around the world have relied on Michigan Language Assessment’s […]

Surpass SecureMarker Page

Surpass SecureMarker Delivering efficient and accurate onscreen marking of large volume, high-stakes tests. Using SecureMarker, examiners can work in an intuitive and sophisticated system when marking candidate responses. The quality of marking can be easily monitored by senior examiners or managers. In addition to the marking features available in Surpass, […]

Remote Invigilation Services Page

Remote Invigilation / Online Proctoring Services Deliver your exam securely, from any location The Surpass Remote Invigilation Service (also known as online proctoring) allows your students to sit their exams in a secure, proctored environment from their home or workplace (being monitored via webcam, screen sharing technology and other optional […]

[Surpass Conference Podcast] Keynote: David Price OBE Blog Post

[…] presentation given by David Price OBE at the Surpass Conference in October 2020. Listen as David explores the ‘learning moments’ from the recent problems with exam delivery and results, before thinking about how we can maintain the momentum for change that we’re currently experiencing. David suggests that parents and employers […]

Innovate Awarding adapts quickly thanks to technology-based testing Blog Post

[…] used internationally to create, deliver and mark over 30 million computer-based tests to date. BTL’s success has been due to its innovative approach to technological development, its passion for significantly improving assessment for everyone, its creative core, and its refreshing approach to collaboration with partners and Surpass Community members.   Download a PDF of the […]

Seven trends in assessment from Europe and beyond

Seven trends in assessment from Europe and beyond Blog Post

[…] more authentic approaches to testing, the use of technology-enhanced items is on the rise. Interactive items such as those that can be deployed in Sur pass using the new Custom Question Type (CQT) Framework, are helping to provide a cost-effective way to enhance the authenticity of assessments. CQTs not only […]