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The Surpass Community

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Collaboration in testing

The Surpass Community is an international group of testing professionals, using technology to improve the assessment experience for everyone.

By working together, and through the annual Surpass Conference, this innovative community are helping to shape the future of testing.

Find out why organisations across a range of industries choose Surpass for their assessment programme.

People talking around a table at the Surpass Conference

Find out more and get involved

Teacher helping student on a computer in class


Important updates and articles on the hot-topics in assessment. 

Millions invested in jobs and assessment technology

Case studies

Insightful assessment technology stories from organisations using Surpass.

Woman speaking at the Surpass Conference


Find out where the Surpass Community will be in the coming months. 

Surpass Healthcare Webinar Panel


Watch live or catch up on-demand with Surpass Community webinars. 

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Surpass Conference

The Surpass Conference is an annual gathering for members of the innovative Surpass Community.  In 2025, the Surpass Conference will be a virtual conference, across three days – allowing more people to attend and contribute, irrespective of their location or travel budget. Join us 7-9 October 2025.

Delegates attend to learn about the latest features in the market-leading assessment platform, share their knowledge and experience, and help each other make the most of this highly respected assessment authoring and delivery platform. In addition to working with Surpass to shape the roadmap of the Surpass Platform, delegates will look at the future of assessment on a global scale, and how our community can promote best practice in assessment.

Go to Conference site
Keynote at the 2022 Surpass Conference

Meet our Surpass Community members

Delivering millions of tests through Surpass each year, the Community is made up of awarding organisations, Surpass users and partner organisations, including:

OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA)
City and Guilds
NCFE (Northern Council for Further Education)
ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales)
SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority)
RSPH Royal Society for Public Health logo

… and many more.

An excellent user conference. The Surpass Platform [covers] vocational qualification assessment, professional certification, higher education and school assessments from users worldwide. Representatives from these fields share experiences of designing, developing and delivering assessments [in Surpass] making it a great place to find ... good practice and make contact with your peers.

Gavin Busuttil-ReynaudAlphaPlus

City & Guilds benefit from being part of the Surpass Community by being able to talk to other people going through the same type of experiences, requirements and changes in the industry.

Granville EdwardsCity & Guilds

Opportunities to collaborate on features like the audio question type are one of the many benefits of being an engaged member of the Surpass Community. By working with other organisations who had a set of requirements which aligned with WJEC's, we’ve been able to achieve a more advanced piece of functionality for a fraction of the cost of what we would have had to invest if we were to do it on our own.

Ian MorganWJEC

The Surpass Conference highlights the fantastic sense of community the [Surpass] team have fostered. It was hugely beneficial and plenty of fun, too. Highly recommended.

Laura RoachCardiff University School of Biosciences
Surpass Community at the Surpass Conference

Get the most out of the Surpass Community and influence the future of assessment

By becoming a Surpass customer, you’ll access all the benefits of the Surpass Community, plus the extra privileges of being a Surpass user. These include being invited to speak at our annual conference and the opportunity to influence bespoke development within the Surpass Platform.

Contact us for a Surpass demoWhy organisations choose Surpass
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