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Contact us Contact sales Get in touch with the sales team today to discuss your assessment requirements. Get help creating or delivering an exam Get expert product and technical assistance. Get help taking your exam Find out how to get support if you are a test taker and need help […]

Surpass Showcase Blog Post

The Surpass Assessment team held a webinar on July 11, showcasing Surpass key features and explaining how Surpass can power your assessment program to success.

Launching the re-designed Blog Post

Over the last few months, we’ve been busy re-imagining our website to bring you the best possible experience when looking for information on Surpass and our range of expert assessment services. Whether on a desktop or mobile, we’re sure you’ll find our fresh new design easy to navigate. Not only […]

Accessibility in Surpass – June 2019 Update Blog Post

[…] exactly how a person with additional requirements might use a screen reader (e.g. JAWs), or voice recognition software (e.g. Dragon), to assist them during the exam process. We receive a lot of interest from within the Surpass Community about how they can make the exam experience more accessible for their […]

Webinar – User research for a more accessible and inclusive testing experience Blog Post

[…] the report generated as a result of this research and what it means for the accessibility roadmap in Surpass going forward. You can find out more about the ‘OpenDyslexic’ project here: The report to accompany our User Research is now available to download here. Register for future events at

Surpass Pre-Release Webinar – February 2021 Blog Post

[…] team explore some of the great new features coming to Surpass Item Authoring in the next scheduled release. Highlights include: The introduction of a ‘Saved Search’ functionality Improvements to Item Sets UX improvements with the new Source Material Panel in Item Authoring. To sign up for future webinars and other […]