Deliver your exam securely, from any location
The Surpass Online Proctoring Service allows your students to sit their exams in a secure, proctored environment from their home or workplace (being monitored via webcam, screen sharing technology and other optional security features).
Why choose online proctoring over test center delivery?
- The geographical spread of candidates makes it difficult to source test centers.
- It’s more convenient for candidates in a professional setting to be able to sit their exam at home or in the workplace, at a time convenient to their busy schedule.
- You can scale-up your testing program without compromising on security

Features of the Surpass Online Proctoring Service
Contact the team to learn more about our online proctoring services
Who provides the proctors?
Surpass can manage all record and review proctoring. We do also provide the option of allowing universities to proctor their own students (by providing access to our remote proctoring software) but we do not recommend this approach for the upcoming end-of-year exams due to the additional implementation and training required.
What happens if your proctors suspect malpractice?
We can customize proctoring guidelines to the requirements of your organization. Some organizations prefer our proctors to just note the time and nature of the suspected incident so it can be reviewed by themselves afterwards. Others prefer our proctors to provide candidates with warnings, and in the event of repeated incidents of suspected malpractice to either void the exam or notify the organization for their recommendation on how to proceed.
Am I able to review the candidate footage afterwards?
Yes, Surpass will provide access to all videos via a secure link along with a RAG status report and any time stamps of suspected incidents for review. Once final decisions have been made, all content is removed as per European GDPR guidelines – one of the strictest data protection policies.
Our exams are on paper, can you help us transfer our exams on-screen?
Yes, we can provide a secure location for universities to transfer the exam papers to Surpass. We will then assist with converting the documents into on-screen exams.
Is remote proctoring reliable?
Yes, some people would say that options such as ‘record and review’ actually make online proctoring more secure than traditional proctoring. Candidates have access to in-exam technical support and the recording of multiple camera angles allows the testing organization, university or school to monitor as much, or as little as they’d like of each candidate.
How quickly can we set up online proctoring?
This depends on a few things, such as how many tests you intend to deliver, and whether you will need time to transfer your exams from a paper to on-screen format. Please contact our team to discuss your requirements further.
What is ‘record and review’?
Record and review allows you and your team of proctors (or those supplied by Surpass as part of your service) to watch recordings of exams taken through the Surpass Online Proctoring Service at a range of speeds, and mark suspicious activity for a detailed review by senior examiners. We recommend playing back exams at around 6X speed, as this has actually shown to be most effective for spotting repetitive behavior that highlights potential security infringements.