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World leaders in digital legal assessment

Surpass supports law schools worldwide to prepare the next generation of lawyers. The end-to-end Surpass system and award-winning user interface allows law schools to create and deliver tests, and provides a positive experience for both faculty and students.

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Surpass test driver showing an essay and multiple choice question on a laptop and tablet

Helping to prepare the next generation of lawyers

The reliable, secure Surpass Platform allows educators to deliver high-quality assessments while meeting ABA accreditation standards. Exportable assessment data allows law schools to assess student and program success.

Surpass also offers an intuitive interface to help law educators prepare tests and then track student progress.

Lawyer at desk with a client
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Import your roster with ADA accommodations

Import one list of students and any time-based accommodations, which will then be honored for every test they are registered for during the year.

Import into a software icon

Write or import questions

Give secure, limited access for staff to write questions or easily import items using Excel or CSV templates.

Multiple question types

Write NextGen Multiple Choice, Integrated Question Sets and Performance Tasks.

Easily build test forms

Use the Surpass Test Wizard to easily build test forms.

Score on paper or onscreen

Print out anonymized papers for faculty to score, or use the built-in scoring features in Surpass.

Creating a test question icon

Feedback options

Provide test-takers with feedback on their performance and how they scored.

Secure delivery for law schools

The Surpass end-to-end digital assessment platform can help realize US law schools’ goals: to meet ABA accreditation standards and improve student outcomes.

With an excellent track record for administering high-stakes exams with the best platform security and stability, the intuitive Surpass Platform operates offline without connectivity worries.

  • Candidate experience:
    • Familiarize students with the new item types and allow candidates to practice in Surpass for midterms and finals before they sit for the NextGen Bar Exam.
    • Bulk register students for tests to be delivered on specific days/times. 
  • Easy delivery:
    • Guided training during implementation. 
    • Award-winning documentation and chatbot, plus support. 
Students taking an exam on a computer using the Surpass assessment platform in a Surpass Test Centre.
Surpass test driver showing an essay and multiple choice question on a monitor, laptop and tablet

Improved security and reliability

The award-winning Surpass Platform significantly improves security and reliability during exams.

  • The Surpass online secure browser for Windows or Macs locks down the student laptop and prevents access to other applications, providing secure and controlled tests.
  • Secure multi-device delivery options – including tablet app to access secure browser.
  • Test securely within law schools, or from home via innovative online proctoring options, for remote programs or special accommodations.
  • Improved candidate experience with an intuitive, user-friendly design.

Watch more on how Surpass is used to deliver legal assessments

Transforming law exams

Hear the Bar Standards Board and the National Conference of Bar Examiners discuss how they are transforming their law exams with Surpass.

How the Bar Standards Board use the Surpass candidate booking solution

Discover how the Bar Standards Board (BSB) used Surpass to save time and improve their candidates’ exam booking experience.

To see the Surpass Platform in action, book a demo today

Trusted by Awarding and Certification providers across the world

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45 million+ exams
delivered through the Surpass Platform

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140+ countries
have delivered Surpass assessments

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40,000+ Test Centers
registered in Surpass

Candidates icon

2 million+ candidates
registered in Surpass at any time

Ready to take the next step in assessment?

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