The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) has won the 2024 Surpass Innovation Award.
The Surpass Innovation Award spotlights members of the Surpass Community who showcase unique ways to overcome assessment challenges, driving forward new ways of working and a cutting-edge approach to creating and delivering online examinations.
SAICA assess postgraduate accountants at various stages on their journey to achieving chartered status, and deliver secure tests using Bring Your Own Device and secure Word and Excel simulations.
SAICA’s project, Real-world accountancy exams: Using BYOD with secure Word and Excel simulations. showcased how they accommodate allowing their exams to be sat over a period of eight hours in challenging circumstances with regard to network and power supply.
“It’s a fantastic, innovative solution that provides modern, secure assessment in challenging technological conditions.”
The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) is the leading accountancy body in South Africa and one of the prominent institutes globally.
For more information, visit the SAICA website at https://www.saica.org.za/