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Surpass Community Webinar – GDPR Update

By 20 March 2018March 21st, 2022Archive

Like most, I’m sure you are now pleased that the GDPR 25th May deadline has passed. GDPR has been one of the biggest topics of the assessment community in recent months and perhaps it has only been the tip of the iceberg of a data cleaning revolution. Regardless of whether you are outside or inside of the EU, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will have had an impact on how you view, handle, store, and share personal data.

BTL, like many of its partners, have worked hard to ensure that we were GDPR ready. As part of BTL’s final preparations in readiness for the European Legislation, the team at BTL was busily considering the impacts and planning it’s GDPR implementation.

BTL has always been very diligent about its management of data. Therefore, rather than GDPR presenting a significant challenge to BTL and Surpass, GDPR offered an opportunity to re-evaluate our working practices with data, and those of our partners and suppliers. Working with Surpass Community members, BTL has reviewed its processes, data types, storage, and responsibilities as controllers and processors. BTL is now pleased to consider its business operations as GDPR ready.

We have published a webinar to help members of the Surpass Community understand what kinds of data BTL stores, where it is held, how it can be managed or deleted, and who has responsibility for it as processors or controllers.

Joining the webinar will be Kathryn Myers from our legal team and Clare Stubley, IT Security Manager at BTL.

You can contact our legal team directly for more information at:

Want to know more?

If you have any questions about the features mentioned in this webinar, or any other features within Surpass, please get in touch with your customer success manager. If you are not yet a member of the Surpass Community, please contact us.

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