This year’s ATP Global Conference is just a few weeks away and the Surpass Team are busy preparing a number of presentations and product demonstrations for the event. The conference takes place virtually from 14-18 September with a packed programme of presentations, discussions and demonstrations.
In our last article we gave a preview of what our Snapshot Session on Assessing the ‘Delivery Divide’: How can we ensure comparability in this time of transitioning from centre-delivery to online proctored tests? will include.
Here’s a taster of what to expect from another of our sessions:
Product Demonstration
Remote means more than delivery – Maintaining a secure, collaborative test development workflow from home
Regardless of what the world is currently throwing at us, we appreciate your item bank still needs to be refreshed, revised, and replenished. Your passing scores still need to be set. It’s not as easy to do this in a remote setting as it is with in-person workshops due to potential security risks and disrupted processes, right? With the right software and ideas, remote collaborative test development could actually be more productive, cost-effective, smoother, and more focused. You’ll see that a virtual process can be as rewarding for your SMEs and your programme as an in-person workshop.
Virtual content development and standard-setting sessions need more structure, take more planning, are less organic, and may span a longer timeline than in-person workshops. In this product demonstration, we’ll show you how tools can be used to plan, communicate, author and manage your virtual test development process.
Examples shown will include task management tools, to help keep item writers on track, as well as options for virtual conferencing including some little known features available in common platforms. The team will also present examples of some new interactive collaborative tools for running virtual breakout sessions and gathering feedback.
You can read more about this session, and the rest of the conference programme, on the ATP Global Conference website.