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Revolutionize your item authoring process

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Our built-in assistive AI feature-set

Create better test questions, faster, for less cost!

Quickly and effortlessly generate entire items within the Surpass Platform

Our award-winning AI-powered toolset is transformative for item creation.

Designed to revolutionize assessment, and steered by responsible guidelines, Surpass Copilot super-powers Subject Matter Experts by helping to easily generate new items, while new functionality and controls also ensures alignment with recent AI laws and policies, including the EU’s AI Act.

  • Built-in to the Surpass Platform – available on demand.
  • Switch on and go – no separate product or training required.
  • Customer controlled training data and copyright control – you choose whether to use public knowledge data, or limit to your own provided training/domain data.
  • Highly secure – using private Microsoft Azure cloud services.
  • Alignment with recent AI laws and policies – including the EU’s AI Act.
Surpass Copilot AI screenshot with prompt to generate test items

Watch the demo to see how Copilot works in perfect harmony with Subject Matter Experts

For many organizations, over 50% of item development time is often spent writing high quality distractors!

But with the power of assistive AI, SMEs can effortlessly generate high-quality items and the rationale for each one, at the click of a button in the Surpass Platform. Copilot works in perfect harmony with Subject Matter Experts, augmenting their expertise and knowledge.

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Get our free eBook

Keep up to date and discover everything you need to know, in our Copilot eBook, including:

  • the Copilot AI model
  • copyright and security
  • alignment with AI laws and policies
  • frequently asked questions.
Get the Copilot eBook
Surpass Copilot AI generating multiple choice questions

[Copilot is] a very unique and innovative feature focused on a specific pain point of reducing time spent on developing distractors.

Judges of the 22nd annual American Business Awards®

Our unique and responsible approach to AI in assessment

Community-led development

The Community-led Surpass Copilot Advisory Board meet regularly to define clear and principled guidelines that will govern the development of all future AI functionality within Surpass, and steer the future of AI in our industry.

Advisory Board members:

  • Finance – Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA)
  • Healthcare  – National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)
  • Legal – National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE)
  • Engineering and Manufacturing – EAL
  • IT – Microsoft
  • Education – Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
  • External legal expertise – Marc Weinstein

Security locked-in

We know when it comes to assessment, security is crucial. That’s why Surpass Copilot is powered by private Microsoft Azure cloud services, which ensures the highest standards of data security, including compliance with ISO27001, SOC 2 & HIPAA.

Man and woman discussing medical test question on computer

Our responsible AI core principles*

For governing future assessment technology development that incorporates generative AI.

We believe that Generative AI should be:


Customers must maintain complete authority over the adoption and use of AI technology, in alignment with their own organizational principles, objectives, and guidelines.

Accurate & transparent

AI technology outputs should be accurate and include justifications and citations to sources so that users can determine whether outputs are accurate, reliable, and appropriate for their intended uses.


AI technology should incorporate processes that continuously aim to identify and eliminate any bias and discrimination for its designed use, so that it does not cause harm to others.

Secure & private

AI technology must have robust enterprise security controls and compliance with current industry standards, so that no customer-provided data (including prompts and outputs) is accessible to unauthorized parties or used for training data.


AI technology should be designed to enable ongoing monitoring of AI outputs for error detection and correction, and to ensure ease of human oversight.


The inclusion of AI technology should be engineered to be intuitive and ensure a seamless user experience, so that only minimal additional training is required for users and SMEs.


AI technology should be embedded directly within existing user interfaces wherever possible and appropriate, so that users and SMEs can take advantage of AI at the touch of a button within their existing workflows and processes.

Expertly directed

A dedicated, multi-disciplinary Advisory Board should provide insights and thought leadership so that the responsible use of AI technology within assessment products and services is thoughtfully and effectively developed.

*The assessment technology provider will be accountable for ensuring all AI functionality adheres to these principles.

Surpass Copilot (AI robot), waving

Find out more, see Copilot in action and help shape the future of AI in assessment!

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